Author: D.S. White
Publisher: Divine Truth Press
Release Date: September 15, 2006
ISBN-10: 0977810305
ISBN-13: 978-0977810307
Paperback: 124 pages
List Price: $9.95 (Paperback)
E-Book: $3.99 (PDF)
E-Book: $3.99 (EPUB)
MEET DIVINE: female, thirty-seven, slaphappy, young at heart, self-employed; an online newbie, living in New York. She is fresh out of a long-term relationship and has completed the two-year mandatory wound-licking I-hate-men mourning period. Unfortunately for Divine, someone neglected to inform her that dating has been upgraded to new millennium level. But maybe she shouldn’t worry…hemlines aren’t the only things that have gone up.Thirty-somethings are premium dating material now…at least for the twenty-year-olds…Divine’s experiences are the basis for the serial memoir I call “Age Is Just a Number,” a lens through which to view the world of online dating.
About the Author:
Her motto: I am who I am by the grace of God
An avid reader, D.S. White is the former proprietor of an online African-American bookstore and wholesale dealership. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a back up plan for 9/11/01.
She is the divorced mother of a fabulous 21-year-old who is in her senior year at the University of Pennsylvania. D.S. White loves traveling but most of it to date has been done within the pages of a book. While planning that mother/daughter trip in the distant future, she’s tried her hand at acting, singing, dancing, modeling, cosmetology and sales.
A budding wordsmith, she has few credits to date which opened her eyes to the need for a place where writers of color could congregate, a Water Cooler, if you will. There writers of all levels of experience can find awards, contests, markets, scholarships and more, specifically geared to writers of color.
Aware of the need for reading material which accurately reflects the look and mindset of the person of color, she decided to do her part to facilitate the same. If you remember nothing else from her bio, remember that she loves God and is always happy to share what He’s done in and for her life.
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