A strong black woman, Dee has realized forgiveness is essential to achieve the peace she has sought all her life. She has come to terms with the angst of her birth and realizes even her name has purpose in God's eyes. She's real enough to admit that some of her limitations in life were self-induced. She's not ashamed to admit she's not perfect, and at times may need to be lovingly reminded that "It's not about you!" But she prays she will always surround herself with people who will hold her accountable to the need to have and show compassion.
Her first blook (book based on a blog) Age is Just a Number, will be released June 1, 2006. Pre-orders available at Amazon, ATWC Books, Barnes and Noble and The Book ClubHouse. (Utilize the discount code housecode at checkout to receive an additional 10% off until May 31, 2006.)
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